Sunday 9 December 2007

An Application for Assistance from FLICT

An Application for Assistance from FLICT

01. PROJECT PROPOSAL For a Lasting and Positive Peace in this Country

02. Name of Organization : An Individual and NOT an organization.
Name : Sie. Kathieravelu,
Address : 217, Station Road, Vavuniya
Telephone : 024 2220524
Contact person : Sie.Kathieravelu
03. Project Title : For a Lasting and Positive Peace
04. Project Location : Entire country
05. Brief Summary : The proposal envisages the increased participation of an informed and empowered polity working in an enabling environment that ensures the meeting of the needs of all the people and thus prevent destructive conflicts. It is a broad-based parliamentary system – with seven chambers – that starts at the village level and goes unto the national level ensuring transparency and accountability by all concerned in the governance and with provision for a significant representation on the basis of generation (old and young), gender, trade and ethnicity. The root causes for the present turmoil in the country is not confined to ethnic conflict only but includes injustice, corruption, bribery, favouritism, injustice are some among many others. Action has to be taken to recast certain sections of the constitution and also add certain clauses in the appropriate places as outlined in the annexed proposal to fulfill the aspirations of the entire populace of this country who are yearning for a prosperous and happy life. The curse that befell this country was due to the manipulation of democracy by shrewd personalities to weaken it to such an extent as to allow dictatorial attitudes to creep in noiselessly. A peace based exclusively upon political and economic arrangements would not be a peace, but which could secure the unanimous, lasting and sincere support of the people. Peace must therefore be founded, if it is not to fall, upon the intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind. The necessity for a remedy does not arise unless there is a malady, which is paving the way for politics of terror and assassination throughout the country, and this in turn would lead to catastrophic consequences for the country and the people resulting in a further decline of the economy that would enable the foreign powers to gain access to further penetrate the life of our country through the prevailing crisis.

06. Implementation Period: A clear-cut time frame cannot be given since a broad public dialogue is necessary to arrive at a wide consensus that would satisfy the aspirations of the various sections of the populace but it has to be concluded as early as possible

07. Requested budget and total budget: Direct financial assistance is not requested. But assistances in kind – organizing public dialogue, interactions and the like – is necessary to arrive at a consensus towards sustainable peace.

08. Have you sent a proposal to FLICT before? If Yes, When: Yes, in February this year and was told to resubmit as per this format.

09. To which other funding agencies have you submitted this or a similar proposal?: To many, not for direct financial assistance but for support in organizing public dialogue, interactions and the like, similar to the present request due to my passion for a peaceful climate in this country since a lot of people have suffered and are continuing to suffer.

Signature of person responsible
Signed at Vavuniya
on this th day of ,2007

10. Information about the Organization: Does not arise, as this request is from an individual to an organization with similar views.

Project Planning:

01. Project background and identified problems:

(a) The area covers the entire country
(b) The conflict issues are bribery, corruption, injustice, politicization of a majority of the public Institutions, discrimination, fraud, ethnic, religious, misuse and mismanagement of public funds given on trust are a few among many of the problems.
(c) Conflicting groups:- The People (share/stake holders in the establishment) as employers with those empowered by them for responsible governing of the establishment (country) with transparency and accountability.
(d) The people are to be considered as the employers and those empowered by them for governing the country with responsibility are to be considered as their employees. The employees’ work is not satisfactory and is on the verge of ruining the establishment (a failed state).
(e) The employer (people) expected the employees (the party in power) to act with restrain, responsibility and sincerity by being more transparent and accountable so as to avoid the creation of any conflict and to contain any conflict that is in the offing with the least possible delay and loss to the establishment (country). The employee has failed in his/her duty but is appropriating a high payment without the consent/concurrence of the employer, to continue with the same or more power but being reluctant to discharge his/her duties efficiently.
(f) The employer needs assistance to overhaul the entire structure of the establishment with a new and better system of management with ‘checks and balances’ throughout the establishment that will pin the responsibility on any particular employee for his/her actions so as to recover the loss incurred so that the establishment would be on a better footing with transparency and accountability being made mandatory.

02. Expected changes (outcomes), Indicators and means of verification:

(a)The concrete changes to be achieved by the project in the analyzed conflict situation are constitutional changes that would empower the people to govern the country with transparency and accountability.
(b) The favourable reports from the organizers and the media together with the support that is being given to the project by the people would be the indices.

03. Implementation Strategy of the Project:

a. People have to be made to realize that good governance, implemented effectively in the most economical and efficient manner, will benefit everyone. And for this purpose, to disseminate the benefits of the proposal to the people through study circles and workshops, which would be carried by the participants to those in their immediate circle and the message as it gathers momentum would engulf the entire country..
b. A few voluntary and dedicated organizations that are sincerely interested in the cause of peace having in their staff dedicated persons who are not interested in making the cause of peace as another project that would bring in more funds to earn or make money.
c. External capacity building inputs would be the support of the media – both print and electronic – and dedicated writers and speakers who can convincingly expound the cause of peace initiatives as part and parcel of their day to day duty without expecting a remuneration for their services.

04. Target Groups:

a. The field officers attached to the various NGO’s and INGO’s that are involved in peace building initiatives.
b. The entire population of the country through workshops and study circles organized by the NGO’s and INGO’s with the CBO’s at the village level.

05. Risks and Obstacles:

a. Finding suitable personnel, CBOs, NGOs and INGOs dedicated to the cause.
b. There cannot be any negative impacts caused by the implementation of the project itself since the country as a whole and the international community is pressing for peace in this country by ending the ongoing turmoil.
c. Further development of the violence and connected activities by persons who might become aware that the process towards peace would jeopardize their own hidden agendas and those others who are averse to peace can put at risk the success of the project.

06. Sustainability: The sustainability of the process initiated by this project would be assured by its initial success and then ensured by the Donors and the international community IF the expectations stated in 5a & 5c could be overcome.

07. Monitoring and Evaluation: Has to done by FLICT itself continuously based on the reports submitted by participating organizations and from the news, articles and features published in the media (both print and electronic) since it is the vision of FLICT that is being implemented.
“A peaceful and pluralistic Sri Lankan society that encompasses the needs
and rights of all people in the country and is able to resolve its conflicts

08. Detailed Budget has to be prepared most economically by the participating organizations treating this as a voluntary service of the personnel involved as part and parcel of their day-to-day duty towards their family and a contribution by – the present generation – to the future generations.

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